Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Day 25

The other night, after a hearty dinner of grass clippings and dove milk, Ange and B! took the kids and me to Santa Monica where we cruised for a Lee Tamahori sighting. We were driving down Pico Boulevard when Ange spotted a friend of hers driving a white Denali SUV. B! tried to flag down the friend and tossed some of the children to attract her attention. Fortunately, Dakota Sierra Nemo Sunshine iPod, the most recent precious acquisition, um, addition to the family landed perfectly in the driver's lap. Suddenly, a misty cloud of a white powdery substance obscured the Denali driver's windshield, causing the driver to swerve and almost hit a smartly dressed pedestrian (Analik?) and her rat/dog. We all pulled over and shared a boisterous laugh, traded insurance information, and scooped the children from Pico. (Don't worry - they are fine - these Burmese are sturdy!)

I think the whole incident made the news, but don't quote me on that. I am so out of the loop since B! upgraded my ankle attachment to titanium.

Tonight, I weep for the geeks.

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